MCHS Trap Shooting

Addy Drake, Staff Writer - The Mustang Messenger

The 2022 McCracken Trap Shooting team is going to state with coaches Danny Everet and his son Allen. Sophomore Tyler Chandler and senior Van Morehead are second in the state.

If you didn’t know, trap shooting is shooting at clay pigeons sprung from a trap into the air and away from the shooter. Participants in the sport said they were iffy about how they think people would react to having a sport that involved a weapon. However, with the proper practice, gear, and teaching it is a good sport for anyone who would be interested. Chandler and Morehead both said they were surprised they made it this far from how much they have grown closer and gotten better at what they do. According to Van, this year McCrakcen’s biggest competitor is Calloway and Marshall County due to their progress since last year, but he thinks McCracken will still beat them and a lot of people in the state if they keep up the good work.