Life Skills with Mrs. Will

November 16, 2022
Lauren Williams is an FCS (family consumer science) teacher at MCHS. She has been teaching for 17 years and MCHS is the second school she has taught at. Williams has been all over the country, spreading her passion for FCS, and has been successful in winning many awards nationally. Her 2022 FCCLA officers will be traveling to Denver, Colorado in the spring of 2023 to compete in a national program. Last year, two of her FCCLA officers won the 2022 national conference in San Diego, California for national programs. She leads many fundraisers to raise money for students, families, and organizations in McCracken County. Her students are taught to sew, how to be in relationships, how to parent, and basic life skills they will need to know as adults. Classes she teaches range from her FCCLA officers class, where many projects are done, to Early Lifespan Development classes, which teach students about an early child’s brain and learning development in early life. Overall, Lauren Williams is a very skillful and talented woman who grows students into very successful adults.