MCHS Halls in Mint Condition

Grace Samples, Staff Writer - The Mustang Messenger

Sleigh it ain’t so! McCracken County High school students and staff have been busy decking the halls this week. All throughout the majority of the hallways are long paper murals, all dedicated to treasured Christmas stories. Staples full of Santa’s favorite Reindeer line the walls in downstairs house five and Snoopy snoozes on top of his doghouse in house one.  Doors showcase anything from A Christmas Carol, to A Christmas Story, and Polar Express. Lights are intertwined across the house two ceilings both upstairs and downstairs. Students have admitted to feeling more motivated to learn when walking under the makeshift northern lights. 


Teachers and students shared sweet moments when taking time from traditional class and education time to learn the joy of Christmas together through decorating doors. One of those students being Abe Dossett. When Dossett was asked how it went, he laughed. “It was the most fun I’ve had at school in the last three to five years.” 


This year MCHS has started a new tradition. At the end of the week when all halls have been decorated, the staff holds a contest for the most creative door, with the door creating the jolliest feeling winning a donut and hot chocolate party. This year Mrs Gwinn of house two won with a National Lampoon’s Family Christmas Door, clad in lights, pictures, a cooked turkey and a clothed mannequin with a santa hat, imitating Clark Griswold  . 


Students and staff have both agreed that they would love to see this tradition carried out throughout the years.