The Beauty and The Beast
March 27, 2023
Based on the renowned Disney movie, McCracken County High School’s “Beauty and the Beast” has its opening night on Thursday of this week at 7:00, also being shown on the following Friday and Saturday at the same time respectively. The show sold out quickly on all three days.
The play stands true to the original story, involving a girl who loves books whose father gets lost in the woods, eventually stumbling upon a castle, where the beast lives. She then finds her father and tells the beast to keep her as a prisoner instead. The beast accepts the offer, knowing his curse can only be reversed if he falls in love, believing that Belle is the one. Near the end, Belle is released from her captivity and goes back to her father.
The ensemble of the play even had their own parts, some even having multiple characters. Nova Carter and Eden Neihoff were, for example, wolves, townswomen, and canisters.
There have been many people pleased with the play, hearing pretty much no negative reviews from people who attended, besides the tickets being sold out very fast. The wonderful acting from everyone involved, the stage decorations and mechanics, being true to the storyline, and the bittersweet ending of the seniors last play here at MCHS makes this one of the best shows put on by our theater department.