Jojo Rabbit is a 2019 comedy-drama film written and directed by Taika Waititi. It was based on the book Caging Skies by Christine Leunen, published in 2008. Johannes (Jojo) Betzler (Roman Griffin Davis), a 10-year-old Hitler Youth member, discovers his mother is hiding a Jewish girl in their attic. He begins to question his beliefs while dealing with the intervention of his imaginary friend, a fanciful version of Adolf Hitler (Taika Waititi).
The story is set during the collapse of Nazi Germany, in the fictional city of Falkenheim. Jojo gets the nickname “Jojo Rabbit” after refusing to kill a rabbit to prove his worthiness at Hitler Youth Camp. To prove his worthiness, he throws a Stielgranate by himself that explodes at his feet. Because of his injury, he was demoted but was still included by spreading propaganda. Home alone one day, he discovers Elsa Korr (Thomasin McKenzie), a classmate of his late sister Igne. The new presence of Elsa in his life makes him completely begin to question his beliefs.
Many well-known actors and actresses such as Rebel Wilson and Scarlett Johansen star in this film. This movie tugged at my heartstrings. The film has a lot of comedic elements that keep viewers watching but also has an intense plotline and an important message. The director balances the comedic aspects and the emotional aspects very well, which can be a very difficult thing for directors to do.
I recommend this movie to teenagers and older. It has topics and humor that are not particularly appropriate for a younger audience. Even if you are not a fan of historical fiction, you can still enjoy this movie. I would honestly give this movie a 5/5 stars. It’s a film that has stayed on my mind over the years and the message and plot has affected me in a lot of ways. I think that if a movie is on your mind years after watching it, it has done its job.