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The Mustang Messenger

The Home of McCracken County High School Journalism


The Mustang Messenger

The Home of McCracken County High School Journalism

The Mustang Messenger

The Home of McCracken County High School Journalism

Griffin Tucker

Griffin Tucker, The Crimson Chronicle Staff Writer

Griffin is a 15 year old Sophomore who enjoys literature and all things art. As you can see from his profile picture, he loves his cat dearly. Many of his family and friends call him “Griff”. For hobbies, Griffin enjoys writing and reading stories, cooking, drinking tea, and creating art for others to see. He is a very compassionate soul with a deep passion for everything he put his heart into. He also considers himself an animal lover, having had dogs and cats throughout his life. One of his many goals in life is to always ensure that he makes everyone feel like they belong. He most wants to be known as a kind and gentle person. One glaring flaw of his would have to be the “annoying ” habit to procrastinate until the last second.. If you asked him, Griffin would say that one of his many dreams in life is to travel the world, see all kinds of nature and cities, and meet different types of people. He hopes to create some great stories this year!

All content by Griffin Tucker