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The Mustang Messenger

The Home of McCracken County High School Journalism


The Mustang Messenger

The Home of McCracken County High School Journalism

The Mustang Messenger

The Home of McCracken County High School Journalism

Meah Nesler

Meah Nesler, Editor – The Mane Tale Yearbook

Meah Nesler is a 17-year-old Junior at McCracken County High School. She is the assistant editor of this year’s yearbook. 

Nesler says she is a confident, responsible and empathetic person. While being a person underclassmen look up to, she is also considering careers and colleges. She is open-minded and ready for whatever life throws at her. 

Nesler feels lots of support from her mom, Emily. 

Another of her biggest role models has been Mrs. Dixon. Mrs. Dixon was the Yearbook teacher last year during Nesler’s first year of yearbook and has influenced her in many ways since then. 

Nesler has the goal to be successful in life, in any way she can be. 

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