Basic Life Skills

Basic Life Skills

Whitney Herring, Messenger Reporter

November 2016


There are basic life skills that all high school students haven’t learned and probably won’t learn in high school. Basic life skills need to be taught, it would tremendously help high school seniors that are getting ready to go off to college. It can be quite scary for teenagers that don’t have these basic life skills when they get ready to leave. The following life skills need to be learned and taught in high school.


  • Wash/Dry clothes: This will be needed at some point in life.
  • How to create a budget: This skill isn’t necessarily taught in school and it should be, this is a life skill that will one day be needed.
  • Time management: Many teenagers do not have this skill, they don’t know how to properly manage their time and get things done. This skill will majorly help during college.
  • Write a check: Many people don’t write checks anymore, so they don’t teach their children how to write them. I think this is a valuable skill that will most likely come in handy one day.
  • Write a resume: Resumes are used often in the real world, and many teenagers don’t know/understand how to write one. This needs to be fully taught in schools and not barely touched on. This is an essential life skill that will one day be needed when applying for jobs and colleges.

These are 5 basic life skills that many teenagers, even myself, don’t fully know how to do. Many teenagers understand the concept and can manage it with the help of a parent/guardian but can’t do it by themselves. By offering a class in high school that teaches students these basic life skills, it will benefit them in a way other classes can’t. These skills are needed for survival, to say the least. Implementing these skills into high school will be beneficial for the students, especially the upperclassmen.