Henrietta Ransdell, On Top Of The World


Stephani Borders

Kaitlyn Craig, Messenger Reporter, Columnist & Human Interest Coordinator

The best part of high school is finding what you love, getting involved, and meeting other people with the same interests and passions as you. High school is the time when teenagers really begin to realize who they are, instead of trying to be something they aren’t. Most people do this by joining different clubs or departments and finding what they are good at or what they love to do. A perfect example of a well rounded student who has discovered and discovered her diverse passions while here at McCracken County High School is Henrietta Ransdell. She is involved in almost everything, while keeping up grades, and still making time to hang out with friends and family.


Henrietta is a member of many clubs and even on leadership for several of them. When asked about her approach to leadership opportunities, Henrietta said, “I prefer to be a behind the scenes leader than the front and center person, so being a Vice President is more in my comfort zone.” Henrietta is the President of the Environmental Club, Vice President of the Y-Club, FBLA Vice President, the McCracken County 4-H Teen Club Vice President, the Beta Club Points Secretary, the World Language Club Secretary. She is also a member of Art Club, Maiden Alley Teen Scene, National Honor Society, McCracken County 4-H Teen Club, Spanish Honor Society, Academic Team, FPS, Student Government, Mustangs on a Mission, Young Democrats, and the MCHS Teen Community Service Club. It is pretty obvious that Henrietta is a very busy person, but she loves what she does. She loves helping people in a multitude of different ways, including ways that they may not realize is helping them. For example, helping the environment. She loves nature and she does many different activities to get her immersed with the outdoors. She even likes mixing her passion for nature with her passion for visual art. She loves to portray nature in her work, which gives her a way to get the best of both worlds at the same time.


Henrietta is very proud to be a Mustang. She loves everything about McCracken County High School, everything from the club opportunities to the amazing faculty we have here. When asked if there was any faculty here that has particularly made a big impact on her life, her response was, “My favorite teachers would probably be Mrs. Carter, Mr. Simmons, or Mrs. Stamper. Mrs. Carter taught me so much about being an informed citizen, while also investing time to check on me and see how my life was going. Since Sophomore year, she has given me so much support and has become like a mother to me. Mr. Simmons has always been there for me and helped me solve any problem I have asked him about, I don’t know where I would be without his help. And then Mrs. Stamper, I’ve learned to be 100% genuine. She strives to help you learn and become who you want to be. Her influence crosses over just class content, and I couldn’t be more thankful for the compassion she has showed me.”


“Mustangs travel in a herd, and they all help each other survive. I think this translates over to our school as Mustangs because though we are all working toward different goals, we are all supportive and loving toward each other. We are each other’s community.” Henrietta commented when asked what it meant to her to be a Mustang. She also feels that because of the bigger school, and the extended amount of opportunities, it has not only helped her find more of her passions, and make new friends, but it also helps with the college application process. She noted that her application would be much more impressive now that she had the opportunity to be a McCracken County Mustang.


Henrietta is a great person to look up to when it comes to being a well rounded, sweet, and caring individual. She truly cares about everyone and she wants to do everything she can to help those in need. And she is going to take all of her experiences here alongside her for the rest of her life.