Trump Inauguration

Trump Inauguration

Reese Guill, Messenger Reporter

On January 20, 2017, the United States of America inaugurated Donald J. Trump as the 45th president of the USA. We now have arguably the most controversial presidential candidate our country has ever seen, now our leader. Before all of the events that happened on the 20th, Trump held a “Make America Great Again! Welcome Celebration” concert on January 19th. Many people laughed at the idea that Toby Keith, 3 Doors Down, and Lee Greenwood were the headliners for his inauguration, but no one that were big name artists were willing to risk their careers to play for Trump. But I took this inauguration concert as a glimpse of the next four years of Trump’s presidency. I interpreted this as Donald isn’t going to take anybody’s crap, he doesn’t care what you think about him, he is going to run this country how he feels. Sounds a little dictator-ish but he is the president of the United States, the free world, our government has the power to impeach him. And I feel like they may if he gets a little too crazy for us to handle. But at the same time, he is YOUR president, you need to support him no matter what. I saw a tweet after all this #notmypresident nonsense started, and it basically said, rooting against Trump is like getting on a plane and hoping the pilot crashes. It’s just idiotic to not root for your country. That is the problem with our country, we’re a bunch of crybabies who need to be coddled and go to therapy because who you wanted as president didn’t get elected. Get over it, move on. Life moves on. You’ve had your moment to cry over it now get out of your house and do something with your life than be a piece of crap that complains about everything that doesn’t go your way. I didn’t want Trump to be president either, I wanted Ben Carson to be president. But he didn’t make it, I complained about it for maybe 5 minutes and then I got over it and started to support our president, because that is the American thing to do. Trump is our president and we’ll see what happens to this country, but support him in his decisions.