Overlooking Thanksgiving

Overlooking Thanksgiving

Olivia Vick, Messenger Reporter

As soon as people take down the spiderwebs, they begin hanging up paper snowflakes. What happened to Turkey handprints and pilgrim hats? Thanksgiving is equally important as Christmas and Halloween but is constantly overlooked. This is a time to spend with family and to give thanks for all of the things that we usually take for granted- don’t start taking this for granted too!

Personally, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and it pains me when people begin singing Christmas songs before December. This is a time I get to see my entire mom’s side of the family in North Carolina, which means I get to take a road trip with my dad, too. We stay in a lodge and have traditions such as when to go shopping when to eat tacos and cheesecake, and what night we go to see a movie (though choosing one and a time is half of the event). I am truly blessed and I appreciate this time to give thanks for all of the amazing people and things in my life.

Thanksgiving food is also much more exciting than Christmas, and while Halloween candy is good too, nothing tops the kind of full you only get during the Thanksgiving holiday. Feasting on turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, rolls, pie, and all of the other traditional foods with your loved ones is a precious and valuable moment; I refuse to sit by while people pretend that it’s less important.

In addition to Thanksgiving, this holiday time includes Black Friday, which is more than one can say for most holidays. While Black Friday may have a bad rep for people’s outlandish behavior, it can really be a lot of fun. If you aren’t so determined to get a specific item that you’ll rip it out of someone’s hands or shove them into the floor, shopping with your friends and family during some of the biggest sales of the year is really worthwhile. Start buying Christmas presents for the people you were reminded you’re most thankful for (because now that Thanksgiving has passed you can start thinking about the Christmas season).

Next year, remember how much fun you had at your Thanksgiving meal this year. Think about how good the food was, what traditions are your favorites or others would like to start, and just enjoy being thankful. Don’t skip straight into caroling and snow angels before the turkey and cornucopias.