Cameron Durbin – Life is a Stage


Brad Rankin

Kaitlyn Craig, Columnist and Human Interest Coordinator

Dedication and a drive to achieve one’s dreams are qualities that are hard to find in most teenagers, seeing that most don’t feel that their futures are close enough for them to worry much about. This is definitely not the case with Cameron Durbin. Cameron was fortunate enough to find his passions early on in life, so he could build on the skills and develop them into a dream for the future. While talking about this subject, Cameron’s mom, Lori Durbin, a teacher here at McCracken, mentioned that Cameron has had a love of music since he was very small. “One time, we were in Chapman Music and he saw a guitar and stated that he wanted to learn how to play it.” This is where the love for the performing arts began.

Cameron is involved in many departments here at MCHS, most of them performing arts related, including band, choir, theatre, and many other clubs and organizations. When asked how he got involved in band and choir, Cameron responded, “When I was little I always loved music, so when I got to middle school I just figured I needed to do band, it just seemed right. In middle school I couldn’t do choir because I was in band and you could only be in one or the other, but when I got to high school I joined choir too!” But Cameron spends most of his time participating in the theatre department here at McCracken, and even at other places such as Purchase Players in Mayfield. He loves theatre so much that he has decided to pursue it as a career. When asked how he discovered this passion, Cameron replied, “I was offered an opportunity to be in one production then I guess I just never stopped.” He plans to perform professionally after college, either touring or regional theaters. “Really whatever work I can get in this field.” Cameron responded with a big smile on his face. Then after performing for a while, he would like to go back to college to get a master’s degree and then become a professor.

Cameron has not became the person he is today all on his own. “Mrs. Bowden has been a teacher that has, since freshman year, helped me along the way with anything I’ve ever needed. She’s provided me amazing training in her classes and has given me a place to perform in plays and musicals, she’s wonderful. Mrs. Carter has also been extremely impactful in my life, I would not be the person I am today without her. She taught me how to express my opinions in an educated and informed way, especially through writing.”

Most people don’t realize what getting into college for Musical Theatre entails. It is actually a lot more complicated than most college programs. Not only do you have to get accepted into the school, but you have to go through a lengthy audition process for every school you apply to. I asked Cameron his process for college auditions and he answered, “I get together whatever repertoire is required, make sure that those songs or monologues have been worked to where I consistently do them well, and then I just relax and try to do my best.” When asked about any advice he would give to his freshman self, he responded by saying, “Just relax, everything is going to be okay, don’t worry about every little thing, it all works out.”