Poetry Out Loud


Jaden Raney, Messenger Reporter

This winter, students from all over will be encouraged to participate in Poetry Out Loud. Poetry Out Loud is a poetry competition in which students grades 9-12 memorize and recite a piece of poetry. This competition equips students with improved public speaking skills, excellent memorization techniques, and self-confidence.


How To Participate

Students can participate in this competition by choosing a poem from the Poetry Out Loud website, and recite it for their participating classroom. If they get chosen by their classmates, they can move on to the schoolwide competition. Then, finally, regional / state finals. If they are a regional / state finalist, students have the opportunity to move on to the national competition.


What are the requirements?

The Poetry Out Loud competition is open to MCHS students but has a few rules and regulations to compete. Students must recite their chosen piece from memory, students may not wear costumes or use props during their recitations, and must follow the line requirement directed.  


Why you should be involved

Not only will Poetry Out Loud enhance creativity and inspire students… but it also is a way for students to connect with the art form and expand their way of thinking. The Poetry Out Loud website recommends that you search for a poem that you understand and connect with so that when you recite it for an audience, you can express the true emotion that goes along with the words. Poetry is a way for everyone to take time to dig deep into their thoughts and showcase what is important to them. It takes a lot for many to memorize a piece and speak in front of people, so doing something like Poetry Out Loud will enhance future abilities to speak in front of others; whether it be in a workplace environment or in other daily events. It is also a wonderful way to connect with other students and meet new people.


Whether you compete in Poetry Out Loud this year or not, it is one of the many fantastic events that our school has to offer. After reading a bit of information about the competition, maybe you feel inspired to encourage a friend to participate, or explore poetry further. This is such an excellent way to get involved.