Fundraisers Made (Almost) Bearable

Fundraisers Made (Almost) Bearable

Leigh Duncan, Messenger Reporter

Everyone who’s ever failed at fundraising, clap your hands! I know everyone just metaphorically clapped your hands, because we’ve all done it. We get the packet, and say, “Wowie, this is great!”. Then we get home, and reality hits. It seems like this is impossible. But it’s too late now…the commitment has been made. So what the heck is next?

#1: Give the packet to your parents.

Because what else are they for, if not getting us out of sticky situations? Parents generally have jobs, which means they also have co-workers, who they’re friends with. Any mother who goes to another mother, and says “My kid is selling stuff for a fundraiser! Would you maybe be interested in buying something small maybe?”, is almost guaranteed sympathy- after all, they’ve probably had to do the same for their children. So chances are, Cindy from HR will probably buy a small candle, or at least drop a ten dollar donation.

#2: Market to your coworkers.

Coworkers like other workers who are quiet and non-disruptive. If you fit that description, they’ll probably buy a $1 Milk Chocolate Almond bar. So market it like there’s no tomorrow- ask everyone. The boss, the manager, the assistant manager, the bus boy, the cashier, the inventory dude. Someone is bound to conform.

#3: Do NOT procrastinate.

Speaking from experience, this is the worst thing someone trying to fundraise can do. You’ll find yourself desperately beating down your neighbors doors two days before the money is supposed to be turned in, and then you get arrested for destruction of property. Getting arrested for destruction of property is not something to be aimed for. So just do things in a timely manner- it’ll save you the legal fees, and preserve the brand-new (ugly) green paint on Mrs. McGee’s door. Instead, make your game play the day you get the packet. Write it out, and follow those words like they’re the words of God Himself.

#4: Don’t take on too much.

If you don’t think you can sell it all, then don’t volunteer to try. Most high-schoolers, especially upperclassmen, are ridiculously busy. Often, we just don’t have time. Don’t stress- someone else will get the fundraising done. Spreading yourself too thin can be a very dangerous game to play, so don’t even try to risk it. Nine out of ten times, it won’t be worth it anyways. You get the slight gratification of doing something good for society, and that’s it. That same gratification can be gotten from other, less stressful activities.

And no matter what, try to have fun. If you come off miserable as you attempt to sell your products, it’s going to turn off your buyers. After all, honey is sweeter than vinegar.