A Letter from the Editor – December 2016


Raegan Archer, Editor-in-Chief & Design Editor

Dear Readers:

As 2017 draws near, the class of 2017 begins to squirm. Now only a semester away from the next phase of our life, it’s all becoming real. To some, it’s an excited countdown to leaving high school; to others, it’s a realization that you’re about to leave everything you do behind. To this senior, it’s definitely the latter. High school itself hasn’t exactly been a blast, but it has definitely introduced me to the things I care about. Namely, this paper and journalism as a whole.

That being said, with the new semester comes new challenges. New block classes for the school as a whole, but individual challenges too. For the January edition, there will be staff members receiving new titles. Sophomore staff members Luke Resser and Kaelin Rowell will begin learning how to do newspaper design in order to help make the end of the year transition easier for everyone. I have complete faith in both of them, but no faith in myself to not breathe down their necks. They’re probably glad to get rid of me (I would be).

So, to Luke and Kaelin: good luck. Here’s to a new year and new titles. 2017, be easy on all of us… please.


Raegan Archer
