The movie “Perks of Being a Wallflower” is a coming-of-age drama based on the 1999 novel by Stephen Chobsky. Later turned into a film in 2012 starring Logan Lerman as Charlie Kelmickis with costars Emma Watson ( Sam Button) and Ezra Miller (Patrick Stewart). The film and script were entirely made and directed by Chobsky at his request when he sold the rights to Mr. Mudd Productions.
The movie follows Charlie a freshman in high school who doesn’t have any friends until he meets two outgoing seniors: Sam and Patrick. Following the three of their high school journeys and finding acceptance in themselves and each other. Patrick deals with the life of being a homosexual and keeping a secret relationship with the star football player. Sam throughout the movie works on getting accepted into the college of her dreams while dealing with a draining relationship, and Charlie struggles with his past while trying to recover from the death of his aunt and existing mental issues.
This movie gives a new perspective on the life of being different and finding yourself in the life around you. It shows that no matter what happens you are alive and you should experience everything you are capable of. This movie expresses that we are worthy of love and happiness and that we are never truly alone.
A quote from the movie between Charlie and his teacher prompting the quote, “We accept the love we think we deserve.”
I would rate this movie 5/5 stars and recommend this movie to anyone who is dealing with feeling alone no matter who you are or how many people surround you in your life.