Donut of the Day: Walmart Jelly Donut


Connor Scholl, Messenger Reporter

With the passing of time, we inevitably grow weary of the foods that we consume. Our palates eventually change, and we turn to new foods to satisfy our newfound cravings. This simple theory holds true for most all people, and most all foods. However, there is one exception to this rule, one food that has never lost my adoration: the Walmart jelly donut.

The first time that I consumed a Walmart jelly donut, I was awestruck. Aside from the Sam’s Club cheese pizza combo, nothing had ever stimulated my taste buds so profoundly. I enjoyed it so thoroughly that I went back later that week to eat another one, and it soon became a regular occurrence. Every week, I found myself repeating the process over and over: go to Walmart, buy a few jelly donuts, and eat the donuts over the course of a few days.

After several weeks of indulging, these donuts began to take on a greater role in my life. Now, nearly a year after discovering the wonders of the Walmart jelly donut, the role of these donuts in my life extends far beyond being just a tasty snack; they offer a relief from the stresses of everyday life and drive me onward, to be the best that I can be. Merely the sight of a Walmart jelly donut washes over me like a warm, steady rainfall, and I would be very remiss not to bathe in its riches. After consuming just the first bite, I find myself born anew, my vigor restored. After consuming the whole donut, my entire being is touched by the grace that these donuts proffer, and I suddenly have the strength to completely dismantle any challenge life may present. If ever I find myself forlorn and nothing seems to offer an escape from my sorrow, I simply consume a Walmart jelly donut, and my woe vanishes.

Because of the immense impacts of these donuts on my life, I would highly recommend them to anyone. Even if you don’t like donuts in general, eating a Walmart jelly donut is sure to be an enjoyable experience.