Donut of the Day: Meijer’s Jelly Donut


Connor Scholl, Messenger Reporter

Every year over Christmas break, my family travels to Ohio to see our relatives. The town we travel to is quaint and every visit provides a pleasant time. However, this Christmas, something indiscernible disturbed me. I enjoyed myself as I always do there, yet some unknown source continuously perturbed me. This sense of unease permeated the air throughout my visit until, finally, I discovered the source of my discomfort: a lack of donuts.

It suddenly occurred to me that I hadn’t had a donut for about a month, which was utterly unacceptable. It was convenient that I realized this in Ohio, though, because there I found my donut horizons expanded immensely. This town housed several establishments that sold donuts, and I ultimately decided that the grocery store, Meijer, was my best bet. After all, wasn’t it at another similar grocery store (Walmart) that I found the one donut that I adore above all the others?

The choice to go to Meijer to get my donut surely didn’t disappoint. I bought a jelly donut with a holiday theme, and it was better than I could’ve expected. At first, it tasted similar to every other jelly donut I’ve tried. However, my opinion was soon after disproven. The flavor’s intensity hit me like a freight train, and I found myself addicted to its potent taste.

Despite the greatness of the donut, there was one problem that undermined my experience: the cost. They asked approximately $3 for one donut, whereas most every other donut I’ve eaten has been under $1. In short, such a high price is highway robbery, and I cannot stand for it.

While the donut was expensive, I can’t possibly deny that it was delicious. If ever you happen to be in the vicinity of a Meijer and are in the mood to spend extravagantly, I recommend you try this donut. I can assure you that it’s flavor will not disappoint and will bring further joy into your life.