IT Chapter One, a movie directed by Andy Muschetti, was a coming-of-age movie based on the novel by Stephen King. The movie is based on seven kids: Beverly Marsh (Sophia Lillis), Stanley Uris (Wyatt Oleff), Eddie Kaspbrak (Jack Dylan Grazer), Bill Denbourgh (Jaeden Martell), Mike Hanlon (Chosen Jacobs), Ben Hanscome (Jeremy Ray Taylor), and Richie Tozier (Finn Wolfhard) fighting a monster that feeds from fear.
Each of the kids had something specific they were afraid of, and the monster fed off of their situations. The actors of these kids were all under 12, and unlike some child actors, they all did a very good job with language and putting the scenes together.
Some people say this movie is scary, and yes, it is a horror movie, but it also has a large focus on friendship and teamwork. The “monster” had a well-put-together costume, and the person who acted as the “monster”, Bill Skarsgard, had very good facial expressions.
Altogether the movie gave two very different messages, the editing of the movie was spot on and all of the actors did a pristine job. I think this movie doesn’t have many jumpscares, which some people don’t like.
I recommend this movie to anyone who likes a movie about friendship and love. It blends two genres together very well giving a sweet, funny, and scary character journey.