Wrestling Season at MCHS

Dawntashia Alexander, Staff Writer - The Mustang Messenger

Recently, the McCracken County High School’s wrestling team has officially started its season. When interviewed, one of the teammates, Jayson Davis, said that after yesterday’s tournament, they’re doing pretty well. “The team is 6-0 overall after we beat the other two teams last night,” Davis says.

When Davis was asked what the wrestling team did to prepare for the season, he said “We do team practices for about three weeks before the season starts,” But it was also mentioned that there were optional summer practices that the wrestlers could attend if they felt necessary. Overall, it’s clear that there’s plenty of time for the wrestlers to prepare for their season. 

Davis goes on to talk about how wrestling practice and conditioning are very intensive, but that the tournaments are usually super fun. He talks about why he personally enjoys wrestling, saying that he likes it because “Each person has a part to play, but also everybody has their own record that they fully control.” So while yes, they do practice as a team and attend tournaments as a team, everyone has their own things to work on. 

After interviewing Davis and learning more about what the wrestling team’s season looks like from a greater perspective, it’s clear that wrestling is different for everyone. The McCracken County High School’s wrestling team is successful so far, though, and they’re representing the school very well.